ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg Evo Genetics Steroid Course

When it comes to performance-enhancing substances, ANAVAR, or Oxandrolone, has earned its reputation as one of the most favored anabolic steroids among athletes and bodybuilders. Known for its mild nature and effectiveness, Anavar is particularly popular for those looking to improve their physique without the harsh side effects associated with many other steroids. This article explores the features, benefits, and recommended dosages of the ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg by Evo Genetics.

What is Anavar?

Oxandrolone was developed in the 1960s and is now used medically to help patients regain weight after surgery, chronic infections, or severe trauma. It is also prescribed to treat bone pain associated with osteoporosis. However, its popularity surged in bodybuilding circles due to its ability to promote muscle growth while minimizing fat gain.

Benefits of ANAVAR

Using ANAVAR can yield several advantages, especially for bodybuilders and athletes:

  • Promotes Lean Muscle Mass: Anavar is known for its ability to help users gain lean muscle without significant water retention.
  • Fat Loss: Users often experience a reduction in body fat percentage, making it ideal for cutting cycles.
  • Mild Side Effects: Compared to other anabolic steroids, Anavar is less likely to cause severe side effects.
  • Improved Strength: Many users report increased strength levels, which can enhance overall athletic performance.
  • No Aromatization: Anavar does not convert to estrogen, eliminating concerns about estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia.

Dosage and Administration

For optimal results, understanding the correct dosage and cycle duration is crucial when using Anavar. The general recommendations for ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg by Evo Genetics are as follows:

ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg Evo Genetics Steroid Course

Beginner Dosage:

  • 10-20 mg per day
  • Cycle duration: 6-8 weeks

Intermediate Dosage:

  • 20-40 mg per day
  • Cycle duration: 8-10 weeks

Advanced Dosage:

  • 40-100 mg per day
  • Cycle duration: 10-12 weeks

It’s essential to note that individual responses to steroids can vary. Therefore, monitoring your body’s reaction and adjusting dosage accordingly is advisable. Additionally, beginners should consider stacking Anavar with milder compounds to maximize results while minimizing potential side effects.

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective steroid course, consider the ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg Evo Genetics. This product is known for its ability to promote lean muscle mass and strength gains, while also helping to reduce body fat. It’s a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes for its minimal side effects and excellent results. For more information or to purchase, visit

Potential Side Effects

While Anavar is considered one of the safer anabolic steroids, it’s still important to recognize that side effects can occur. Some possible side effects include:

  • Liver Toxicity: Although Anavar is less hepatotoxic than other steroids, excessive use can lead to liver damage.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Anavar may suppress natural testosterone production; post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended.
  • Cholesterol Levels: Anavar can negatively affect cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Acne and Hair Loss: Users may experience skin issues or accelerated male pattern baldness.


ANAVAR 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg by Evo Genetics stands out as a preferred choice for many seeking to enhance their physical performance and aesthetics. With its ability to promote lean muscle gains and support fat loss, it is considered suitable for both cutting and bulking cycles. However, as with any anabolic steroid, it is essential to approach its use responsibly, be aware of potential side effects, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting a cycle. By doing so, you can make informed decisions that align with your fitness goals.